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I want to take the traditional cloth footwear fashion caravan to break this impasse by
Although the soles of these shoes still use Melaleuca, artificial sewing, but it is no longer confined to the upper black, and with a variety of patterns and colors, look very trendy. "Fair last year, I saw a Japanese businessmen such shoes, now at 500 pairs of orders every month." Mawei Juan said, this is the traditional craft shoes, the reason for the fashion elements into one, is once she took products to participate in the exhibition, at the completion of a painter of coaching.
Cloth footwear for the status quo, industry analysts pointed out that although the shoes with heavy cultural heritage, but the lack of innovation, old style, lack of clear market development objectives, forming a development cycle. Most shoes manufacturing enterprises stay in the price war on the popular elements not allowed to grasp, eat impervious, do not want to invest in technological innovations, dare to put its technology, materials and equipment are old-fashioned, brand building is no and outspoken.
Recently, Dongxiang County from natural loofah + organic linen, and processed through the traditional process of organic cloth shoes, won the national organic product certification, and thus also worth surge, the market price of 660 yuan per pair of shoes, appeared both production and sales gratifying scene, and successfully broke into the European market. Thus the value of product ideas.
It is reported that, after the company on a professional production of loofah series of products, due to natural and market wide, but the case of rough, so a low value-added products. Since the international financial crisis, export plummeted, into a dilemma dilemma. In order to bail out companies Costly, invited technical, marketing, culture and other aspects of innovation team composed of personnel, development of organic products, declared national patent. A series of competitive products stand out, their strength has leapt to a new level.
Some shoes manufacturer although has a good brand reputation, but not a complete production chain, four "belly twins", the actual formation of the "there is no quasi-standard" situation, brand deteriorating. Fortunately, with the implementation of "molded shoes," the national standard, non-standard end the shoes industry production history, led the shoes industry healthy and orderly development. Insiders pointed out that China only to abandon the old shoe cloth, soil, old faces, the traditional elements and international fashion fusion, in order to create a new era of Chinese modern cloth footwear.